Dash Point Social and Improvement
Club Scholarship Application

Congratulations 2024 Scholarship Winners

Tommy Braegelmann

Having attended Browns Point Elementary and Meeker Middle Schools, Tommy graduated from Stadium High School in June. As a senior, he enrolled as a Running Start student at Tacoma Community College where he earned the honor of being named on the Dean’s List. Tommy will continue his studies at TCC concentrating in Business classes. He can remember, as a preschooler in his younger days at the Northpoint Co-op, participating in the Dash Point Holiday Tree Lighting by singing carols for the community before Santa’s arrival by fire truck. 

While at Stadium, Tommy played soccer on the Varsity Team for three years along with pursuing his personal interest in Motocross/Dirt Bike Racing on a competitive level.

Tom’s numerous volunteer efforts demonstrate his personal interest in helping others. Besides providing time volunteering at the local United Methodist Church Food Bank, and the 253 City-Wide Clean Up Program for the past four years, Tom spent time volunteering at American Lake Veterans Golf Course. According to the Superintendent, Randy Moen, “Tom is one of the best volunteers to have come through the American Lake Veterans Golf Course Work Program in 17 years. He is very well-mannered and respectful to all the people he encounters. He is always going above and beyond the call of duty to do the right thing. Integrity is one of the words I use to describe Tom.”

Sofia Jorgenson

Sophia is a life-long Browns Point community member who is found reaching out to all areas of Northeast Tacoma to participate in activities. According to Stadium High School’s Career Guidance Specialist, Brandi Junderson, Sofia expressed “Everyone is so accepting in the community, whenever we need anything they’re always able to help. It’s a very collaborative community and everyone is so nice.” 

Sofia has earned a strong 3.7 GPA while attending Stadium High School and has been involved in the music program (trumpet) during all four years including Concert, Jazz, and Pep Bands, and an officer on the Band Council. Sophia was selected as one of two musicians to represent Stadium in the Northwest Honor Band this year. She assisted with the Yearbook and played on the Varsity Women’s Golf Team her last three years. This fall, Sophia will attend Oregon State University and pursue a career in Marine Biology and Education. Her career goal (and life’s goal) “is to help change the world by making our oceans healthier!” 

Sofia has been involved in community service and volunteer activities, events and projects for years including the BP Salmon Bake, Kobetich Library reading mentor, PNEHS park clean-up and painting, NE Tacoma Healthy Kids Coalition, Meeker Holiday Bazaar, Julia’s Gulch clean-up, just to name a few.

***Scholarships will be awarded to eligible graduating high school seniors who currently live in the Dash Point / Browns Point communities (See the Eligibility Map). ***



Applicants planning to attend any two or four-year University, College, or Technical/Professional school this fall may apply. We also encourage students planning enrollment in university certificate programs, non-degree apprenticeship programs such as skilled trades, construction trades, healthcare, manufacturing or industrial education, management training, sales or merchandising fields to apply.




The DPSIC is proud to provide a scholarship to a student who has contributed considerable time, effort, and voluntary service to our community. It is given in memory of Janet Flynn, the owner of Janet’s Table Supply, a small community store which was located near the old Dash Point School on Eastside Drive.



  • Graduate with a diploma or a GED.
  • The applicant or parent MUST be a current member of the Dash Point Social & Improvement Club. Annual dues are $10 per person. Please apply online or download the membership application and mail it in
  • Be a current resident in the Dash Point / Browns Point communities (refer to eligibility map).

Submission requirements:

  • Completed application form/with a cover letter.
  • Submit the form online, by US mail, or deliver in person to scholarship chair.
  • An essay describing your future educational / professional goals and why you have chosen this career path. (One typed page). **Verify statement with your signature.
  • A signed high school transcript from your school’s registrar that includes your cumulative GPA (from grade 9) through the first semester of your senior year.
  • A copy of acceptance letter from your chosen university / college / technical / vocational / professional school.
  • Letters of recommendation can be included, but are optional



The DPSIC Scholarship application can be completed as follows:

Online Application Form: (Preferred Application Method)


Mailed-in / Hand deliver: (Downloadable Scholarship Application)

Address for Mail in/Delivery: 1502 Markham Ave. NE, Dash Point, Washington 98422


Submit an application when you have all required documents ready and completed. Submissions are due: May 1st by 5:00PM.

Any questions, please contact our Scholarship Chair.

Homes along both sides of the street on Norpoint Way NE and Browns Point Boulevard are eligible for the DPSIC scholarship. The lowest house number eligible for the DPSIC Scholarship on Brown’s Point Boulevard is #2120.

Online Application Form

Applications due May 1, 2025 by 5:00 PM

Have questions? Please contact our Scholarship Chair at 253-927-6593.

1502 Markham Ave. NE, Dash Point, Washington 98422

Please complete all fields of the application below and then press the submit button.

Honors and Awards:
List below any honors, awards or recognition that you have received including organization.

Leadership Positions:
List elected or appointed positions held in school, community, or work activities, including only positions in which you were responsible for directing or motivating others. Examples: student body/club officer, committee chair, team captain, newspaper editor, etc

School Activities:
List all activities outside of regular classes in which you have participated during high school. Include clubs, musical groups, athletic teams, etc. List all major accomplishments, if any, in each (such as varsity letter, treasurer, lead role, etc.)

Community Involvement:
List all community activities in which you have participated. These should be activities outside of school credit, i.e. church groups, scouts, 4-H, volunteer groups.

Work Experience:
List organization or business.

Complete the application form and submit with cover page, essay, transcript and acceptance letter by May 1 or to address shown on the application cover page.

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