Dash Point State Park

Image courtesy of: https://explorewashingtonstate.com/exploring-dash-point-state-park/

The Dash Point State Park is a 461-acre camping park with a beautiful view of the Puget Sound and a wide beach that is perfect for families to relax and spend the day.

Some activities that are offered at the Dash Point state Park are:

  • Reserved picnic shelters
  • Rentable cabins for overnight camping
  • Boating including canoes and kayaks
  • 8 mile biking trail and 11 mile hiking trail

Visitors are able to purchase a one-day pass or an annual Discover Pass at the available kiosks.

To find out more, check out the website using the button below!



Dash Point Pier

Image courtesy of: http://northwestfishingreports.com/Articles/Details/753

Dash Point Pier Closed for Reconstruction. (Updates to follow)

Off the coast of the Dash Point State Park, you can find the Dash Point Park and Pier. 

Some of the features you can find at the pier include a playground for kids and public fishing on the dock.

For directions or additional information check out the Metro Parks website using the button below!


If you are the age of 15 or older, a fishing license is required. You do not need a license if you are catching common carp, crawfish, or collecting relic shells. 

Youth’s 14 years or younger do not require a fishing license but do need a catch record card (CRC) for specific species in specific areas as stated within Washington State fishing laws. 

Browns Point Lighthouse Park

Image courtesy of: https://www.tripboba.com/bucket-list_things-to-do-in_8h9r8x-federal-way-wa-united-states.html

While in the Browns Point area, a good place to visit is the Lighthouse Park. The park features a nice beach, a picnic shelter for eating, and a trail for those looking to go for a walk. 

For directions and more information about the park and lighthouse you can check out the website below!


Lighthouse Cottage & Museum

Image courtesy of: https://carolynedmonds.withwre.com/2018/04/02/browns-point-lighthouse-park-ne-tacoma

The Browns Point Lighthouse Cottage is a 3-bedroom rental house located on the shore of the Puget Sound. This house that was restored and maintained from 1903 can house up to 6 people for a minimum stay of 3 nights. This cottage is also included in the National Historic Register and is a museum in of itself! 

One key feature by staying here is that you and your group or family will become “Honorary Lightkeepers” which include:

  • Raising and lowering the flag
  • Log in weather and shipping traffic
  • Keeping the cottage open for visitors to the museum from 1-4pm

If you wish to learn more you can visit the website using the button below!

Kelp Recovery and Conservation

The Kelp Recovery and Conservation’s mission is to “protect and restore the marine waters, habitats and species of the Northwest Straits region to achieve ecosystem health and sustainable resource use.”  The Northwest Straits Commission along with many other marine conservation non-profits have worked towards a kelp recovery and conservation plan also called the Kelp Plan. The Kelp Plan provides research, improving understanding of kelp forest population changes, and implementing recovery and protective measures.


If you wish to read their plan or sign up for their newsletter to get more info about their activities about kelp conservation you can check out their website from the button below!

Department of Ecology

Oil spills can cause lingering damage to our marine ecosystem and can kill the plant life and animals that live there. When the oil reaches the shorelines it can even affect the wildlife there including birds and sea mammals.

The Department of Ecology is about preserving and protecting the environment for future generations. By having options for reporting spills or environmental issues from their homepage you too can help protect our waters.

They also have many dedicated programs that include:

  • Air Quality
  • Environmental Assessment
  • Hazardous Waste & Toxics Reduction
  • Nuclear Waste Program
  • Office of Columbia River
If you wish to sign up for their newsletter to stay up to date about any issues or activities, or if you are looking to report any spills, click the button below!

Important Events:

Currently, the Department of Ecology will be doing an outreach campaign this summer to promote the No Discharge Zone. The NDZ is a specified zone within the Puget Sound where vessels are not allowed to release sewage into the waters. To learn more about this you can visit their website in their Water & Shorelines tab.

Puget Sound Nutrient Forum: The Department of Ecology along with Puget Sound stakeholders and tribes seek to reduce the amount of human based nutrients that impact the water quality in the Puget Sound. By monitoring the waters for over 20 years, the Department of Ecology has found that nitrogen levels have increased and the cycle of nutrients are changing. Currently, they aim to meet with the Puget Sound nutrient forum sometime this summer to release a draft called the “Puget Sound Nutrient General Permit”. More information can be found through their Water & Shorelines tab. 

BEACH Program: From May 20th through September 2nd (Labor Day), the Department of Ecology is going to sample a variety of beaches to sample for fecal bacteria. You can check out the list of beaches that are being sampled by county from their blog post under what you can do, called “Weigh in on the 2021 beach list”. You can also check beach advisories and closures from the blog post as well if you are looking to go swimming and want to check if your beach is open to swim. 


Points Northeast Historical Society

        Image courtesy of: Points NE Historical Society Facebook page

The Points Northeast Historical Society is a community driven organization that seeks to preserve and restore historical sights and landmarks across the Browns Point, Dash Point, and NE Tacoma area. They also seek to collect and exhibit historical records and artifacts from the Points NE area as well. Their current goal is to help restore the lighthouse in Browns Point Lighthouse Park with a multitude of renovations that range from replacing the lantern, to replacing the stairs. 

The current construction goal is set at $175,000 and they are very close to reaching that milestone from their “Keep the Light Shining” fundraiser. You might even find yourself on a plaque in the park or featured in future publicity if you donate $10,000 to the lighthouse restoration. If you wish to learn more about this wonderful group or want to donate to their causes you can check them out using the button below!

You may also contact Nancy Bess, the president of the Points NE Historical Society at: [email protected]